Media Studies and Applied Ethics <p><strong>Media Studies and Applied Ethics</strong> (MSAE) is a peer-reviewed journal of the Faculty of Philosophy Niš (Department of Communicology and Journalism). The aim of the journal Media Studies and Applied Ethics is to publish high quality interdisciplinary research in the broader field of media studies. We take into consideration empirical, theoretical and methodological research papers that will contribute to the advancement of media studies.</p> <p>MSAE is an interdisciplinary journal which publishes original papers semi-annually. The journal welcomes all analytical viewpoints and research methods. MSAE encourages contributions from professors, MA and PhD students, media professionals as well as researchers in the field of media studies and applied ethics.</p> <p><strong>The deadline for submitting papers for the next issue is March 10, 2025.</strong></p> <p>MSAE accepts original research, review articles, critical essays, perspective pieces and book reviews related to communication throughout the world.</p> <p>MSAE welcomes papers on topics such as: <em>Media and society;</em> <em>Media and culture;</em> <em>Media history;</em> <em>Media and entertainment;</em> <em>Media and religion;</em> <em>Media and violence;</em> <em>Media and advertising;</em> <em>Media effects;</em> <em>Audience and reception studies</em> <em>New media;</em> <em>Journalism;</em> <em>Communication;</em> <em>Media philosophy;</em> <em>Media aesthetics;</em> <em>Visual Communications;</em> <em>Media Law;</em> <em>Media and/in Education;</em> <em>Media Literacy;</em> <em>Applied Ethics (Journalism ethics, Media Ethics, Marketing ethics, Business Ethics)</em>.</p> <p>Only scientific texts, not previously published, could be submitted for the publication. The author is obligated to submit only the original papers not previously published or offered to different journals at the same time. The major criteria for publication: scientific contribution, the quality of scientific argumentation, the precision and clearness of presentation, consistent methodological structure and educational contribution. Corrected and ready for publication papers should be sent to authors via electronic mail for the final verification before publication.</p> <p>The Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš “Media Studies and Applied Ethics” respects standards of ethical publishing. Peer reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree upon ethical standards for all parties involved in publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, and the publisher.</p> <p><strong>Open Access Statement</strong></p> <p>This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. All users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.</p> <p>The journal does not require article processing charges or any other author fees.</p> <p>The journal is on the list of categorized journals of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and is indexed in ERIH PLUS.</p> <p><strong>ISSN 2683-5355</strong></p> en-US (Andrej Blagojević) (Ilija Milosavljević) Fri, 27 Dec 2024 14:12:11 +0100 OJS 60 Media Convergence of Role-playing Games (1974-2024): From Participation to Commodification and Back Again <p>This study examines the impact of media convergences on the evolution of role-playinggames (RPGs) from the early 1970s to the present day. The analytical focus of this researchis directed at the dynamics between player community participation and the process ofcommodification within this genre. In this context, specific phases in the developmentof RPGs are highlighted, including tabletop role-playing games (TRPGs), classiccomputer role-playing games (CRPGs), massively multiplayer online role-playing games(MMORPGs), live-action role-playing (LARP), and actual play (AP). This study highlightsthe similarities and differences between these forms, their mutual convergence, and theirconvergence with other analog and digital media (such as books, comics, television,film, and podcasts). Special attention is given to the phenomenon of prosumerism withinthe RPG subculture; that is, the specific interaction between the content offered by theentertainment industry and the efforts of RPG communities to maintain the participativeand creative aspects of the genre. This research is based on a diachronic comparison ofspecific phases in the development of the RPG genre, as well as a secondary analysis of thedominant media content on current trends in the RPG subculture.</p> Borislav Vukojević, Dalibor Savić Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Artificial Intelligence in the Media in Serbia: When Satire Isn’t Funny <p>The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a daily routine in newsrooms.AI appears as an essential tool in journalists’ professional routines, aiding in faster workprocesses, automatic text generation, and assisting with repetitive tasks. However, theuse of AI in the media provides fertile ground for various types of abuse, settlingscores with dissenters, and falls under the category of “weaponized defamation.”The Serbian government is committed to keeping pace with the development andapplication of AI in various sectors. However, this commitment is not accompaniedby an adequate legal framework when it comes to the media. Currently, there is nospecific law regulating this field, leaving those affected by existing practices to relyon related legislation, which neither covers all potential violations in this area norprevents further manipulation.<br>This paper analyzes the legal framework for regulating AI in the media, as well asthe potential for self-regulation. The analysis is based on a case study in which mediamogul Željko Mitrović published a “satirical video” on his X platform, followed by itsbroadcast in the news programs of Pink Television. The video, which was a deepfakegenerated using artificial intelligence, mocked opposition representatives. The paperalso examines the first lawsuit in which opposition representative Dragan Djilaswon against Željko Mitrović and Pink Television, based on the AI-generated videocontent that was broadcast on television. The scope of this ruling highlights both thepossibilities and shortcomings of the legal framework in this area within the Serbianmedia landscape</p> Milica Kulić Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Domestic Video Streaming Services - Characteristics, Offer and Perception of Users in Serbia <p>The second half of the past decade was marked by the explosive growth of streaming platforms and services both in Serbia and globally. Numerous foreign services haveemerged after Netflix debuted in Serbia in 2016. Simultaneously, a number of local services have also emerged, attempting to take advantage of the benefits of local accessand native content.</p> <p>The objectives of this work are to outline the most popular domestic streaming services in Serbia, their unique features, business and communication strategies, andthe programs they offer. It also looks at the traits and perspectives of these services’users with regard to series viewing and domestic streaming in general. A total of 139 customers of domestic streaming services completed a specifically designed questionnaire, which was included in the research done in June and July of 2023. The questionnaire responses were evaluated using quantitative descriptive and comparative statistical methods. The majority of users of domestic streaming services, according to the data, do so primarily because of the services’ affordability and ease of use; the domestic series and movies that these services offer, however, are not as big of a selling point as previously believed. The overall conclusion of the research is thatthere is a trend toward westernization of tastes and habits that is being influencedby globally dominant streaming services and spreading to domestic audiences and domestic content viewers. This could eventually have a very negative impact on domestic production, streaming, and Serbia’s distinct cultural identity in general. This research fills the gap in understanding the characteristics and preferences of Serbian audiences regarding domestic streaming services, especially in comparison to global competitors like Netflix</p> Ilija Milosavljević Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Agora on the Internet: Can X’s Spaces be interpreted as a Digital Platform for Democracy? <p>This paper aims to determine to what extent can X’s Spaces be considered an evolution of the Athenian Agora. Through a comparative analysis, the key characteristics of these spaces were compared, including mobility, information transfer, democracy, freedom of speech, participation, and audience. Mobility represents a remarkable difference, where the agora was physically dependent, while Spaces could be used anywhere with a smart device and Internet access. Both cases provide real-time information transfer but differ in the context of a physical and virtual presence. Agora expressed direct democracy, while Spaces could only express indirect democracy. Freedom of speech at the agora was absolute, while Spaces were limited to X’s terms of service. Participation was limited in both cases – to the slaves, women, and non-Athenian citizens at the agora, while on Spaces it depended on the host, who had absolute control. At the agora and Spaces, everyone could be part of the audience. The agora’s audience used shouting and disruption as a form of expression, while the audience on Spaces could only react through emoticons. Although there were significant differences between these platforms, such as technological and regulatory aspects, both spaces provided an environment for public debate, expression of views, and communication. However, the lack of adequate regulation of X provides additional challenges such as polarization and hate speech. The research indicates the importance of understanding the evolution of democratic spaces and their impact on society in the digital age</p> Nikola Doderović Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Responsibility in Citizen Journalism: Challenges and Perspectives <p>In today’s digital age, mobile technologies are constantly reshaping the ways in which information is disseminated and consumed. Citizen journalism has become ubiquitous thanks to social networks, blogs, and content-sharing platforms. This opens up the opportunity for anyone to become a journalist, regardless of professional experience or education. While professional journalists often undergo processes of editing and information filtering, citizen journalists can share their opinions and experiences directly in real time. This can lead to faster news dissemination and quicker responses to current events. However, it is important to be aware of the challenges that come with citizen journalism. Since anyone can become a source of information, there is a risk of spreading unverified information. Therefore, it is crucial for citizen journalists to be responsible and strive to verify the accuracy of their reports before sharing them with others. By sharing their experiences and perspectives, citizen journalists can inspire others to engage within their communities and advocate for the changes they wish to see. This fosters democratic dialogue and creates a space for diverse ideas and solutions. Through an analysis of available literature, we will highlight the challenges in the relationship between citizen journalism and professional journalism.</p> Danica Popović Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100